Welcome to my website!

My name is Elisabeth Carlucci. I am an alternative practitioner of Psychotherapy, a trauma-informed coach, systemic family constellator, Yoga and Meditation Teacher. I facilitate women’s circles, retreats and am the founder of “Dakini Circle”. Furthermore, I have a professional background as an artist and theater actress.

Offerings for women


From 18th-22nd of July 2024 our women’s retreat will take place near Berlin in German language. Together we will awaken our wombs, experience the magic of our existence and celebrate sisterhood.


This year, we offer four separate online workshops (Conscious Menstruation, Conscious Sexuality, Trauma Healing and Ancestral Healing) in German language to dive deeper into the exploration of the feminine dimension.

Women’s circle

Every year we travel through a joint annual cycle. Meetings happen monthly online on the new moon days. Together we create a field that enables growth, healing and deep encounters with ourselves and other women. (In German)

“I received an amazing Zoom systemic constellation by Elisabeth last Monday. Still integrating fully…
I wasn’t sure how a distance constellation would work, but wow that went deep.
If you have anything you want to address, or want to start this year fresh, or just want to explore this modality, I am sure the magic and wisdom of Elisabeth and the field she opens, will create wonders and help you to move on from some old wounds.
She gives the session in English, German and Spanish.


“I appreciate that Elisabeth combines many methods and does so fluently and intuitively. Yoga and breathing exercises, trauma- and systemic work, family constellations and body awareness, and much more – she has a wide repertoire that she draws on. Added to this is her depth, calm and connection with herself and the world. With these basics, Elisabeth prepares a field in which you can immerse yourself in your topics and devote yourself to what is at hand – whether it is highly acute or latently simmering, whether it is still hidden or already completely present. Elisabeth, your support is sensitive, clear and focused”